Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 11 - Mother's Healing Garden
I have found a wonderful place to pray and think that I would like to tell you about. A few years ago, a group of mothers created a beautiful garden in memory of the children they lost. It is located in Dell Rapids, SD and open to the public. The garden has a open air chapel and a Labyrinth which was constructed to be used for meditation and prayer.
These wonderful women had a vision of a quiet place for people, especially mothers, to go to -- reflect, think, and pray as they grieve the loss of a loved one. I had only visited the Mother’s Healing garden a few times, until this year. This summer the garden in it’s full beauty and I have found the garden to be a wonderful place to think and pray. It is not that I am grieving the loss of a loved one, but sometimes mom’s just need some alone time with God. I can definitely feel God’s presence in the garden.
July 10 - Dad's birthday
My dad is a recovered alcoholic. I believe that the alcoholism began in my teen years and it continued into my early thirties. The best gift I received from my dad was the day he decided to become a recovering alcoholic. There were a lot of challenging times over all the years that he drank. He was a happy drunk and he could be the life a party, but he became dependant on it to open up and to be happy. Isn’t it funny, he was dependant on a depressant to be happy?
For many years, I wanted nothing more than for him to go through treatment. Then the day finally came, he admitted himself to treatment. I was so happy, yet scared. The hardest day of his treatment was the day that I came to see him and he demanded that I take him home. I refused. He was so anger at me and he told me, out of rage, that I was no longer his daughter. I knew that he did not mean it, and that he probably would not remember saying it. It was hard to leave that day knowing how upset he was at me.
He completed his treatment and attended AA meetings on a regular basis. The first year was a challenge. I was invited to his one year anniversary party with his AA group. At that meeting my dad got up and talked about the challenges of the year and gave me another gift. He came over to me, hugged me (remember old Dutch men are generally not huggers) and thanked me for having the courage to leave him in treatment, instead of taking him home.
My dad has been free from alcohol since October 1999. I am so grateful that my kids will never remember their grandfather was an alcoholic.
July 9 - Actions speak louder than words
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
“Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice.” Matthew 23:3.
We have probably all heard the phrase, “Actions speak louder than words”. Those of us with growing, maturing children in our lives are perhaps reminded quite frequently of this popular saying. How easy it is to verbally communicate to our children what appropriate behavior is along with our expectations for them; however, providing them with a consistent, positive example that measures up to all that we have outlined through our speech is not nearly so simple. Then, if inconsistencies exist between what we have said and what we have done, they generally will not hesitate to point them out to us.
In today’s Bible passage, we see that the Scribes and Pharisees were using Scripture to condemn other people for doing the same evil that they were doing. Jesus is angry at the hypocrisy that he sees among these Scribes and Pharisees. Unfortunately, that is a sin that we can so easily fall prey to, as well.
Instead, Christ has called us to be His servants sent into the world as ambassadors of His kingdom. It seems like one of the most effective ways of carrying this mission out is not through our grand and glorious words or any false fronts we may attempt to portray but, instead, our humble, consistent actions. In attempting to maintain a positive, Christ-like example, we may be able to lighten the burdens on others shoulders while helping fellow followers along the journey of faith.
I encourage you to take time for soul-searching and reflection, to focus on your individual relationship with Christ looking for ways to ‘lead by example’ for those around you. May He find us to be faithful, humble servants for Him.
God of Humility, Openness and Compassion,
Our Teacher and Perfect Example,
Help Us To Live Out Your Purpose For Our Lives,
Through Your Son, Who Taught Us How To Live, Amen.
Karla R. Peter
July 8 - Tire Swing
Recently, we were watching a movie and the boy in the movie was playing on an old fashion tire swing. This brought back memories for me. My brother and I loved to go to my Great Uncle Jake and Aunt Pearle’s house to visit on Sunday afternoon. It was not because we liked visiting with the old people, but we loved the old tire swing they had hanging from a big oak tree near the driveway. We could swing on that tire for hours. It was so different and much more exciting than our metal swing set. We could get the swing to go high and we loved to jump off at the highest point to see who could fly without getting hurt.
Since we watched that movie, I have been looking for an old tire swing to enjoy, like I did when I was a kid.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June 30 - marriage
but marriage restores its sight.
~Georg C. Lichtenberg
I have so much to say about this quote, but I think I am going to just let you think about it and what it means to you. It will mean different things to all of us depending on our situation. Enjoy and celebrate the sight!
Monday, June 29, 2009
June 28 - Anniversary
The next couple days of Blessings will be dedicated to marriage.
June 29 - Annoyance
“It is so great to find that one special
Person you want to annoy for
the rest of your life.”
Happy Anniversary!
Todd and I had a good laugh about the card. Sometimes in marriage it does feel the like other person is just there to annoy us. I get annoyed about some of the smallest things, like socks on the floor, dishes in the sink, etc. Overall, it is really just an annoyance. We realize that we can annoy each other at times, but that is part of marriage.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
June 27 - problems
Friday, June 26, 2009
June 26 - Morgan is 17
There is nothing in the world that can compare to the day a woman becomes a mother for the first time. It is an emotional high, filled with excitement and fear. The day we left the hospital and drove away with our new baby. We looked at each other and said, “ Wow, they let us leave with her! What do we do now?” There have been plenty days that we have asked ourselves as parents, “What do we do now?” The most important thing that we have learned we can do for our children is to pray for them daily.
Parents prayer
Grant them your safety and your protection against all the schemes and temptations of the devil.
Grant them the wisdom to get through life.
Grant them the security of knowing that they rest firmly in your grasp.
Thank you for giving me these children.
All these things I pray in your name Amen.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 25 - Baseball
It's just a game - as simple as a ball and a bat.
Yet, as complex as the American spirit it symbolizes.
It's a sport, business - and sometimes even religion.
~Ernie Harwell, "The Game for All America," 1955
It seems fitting that my quote today is on baseball. Both boys are playing baseball this summer and tonight was the fourth baseball game of the week; we have three more on Saturday. It is fun to watch the boys learn to play as a team and encourage each other. So many life lessons can be learned on a baseball field.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
June 24
"When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives
but are grateful for the abundance that's present....
we experience heaven on earth."
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
June 23 - YBA
After thinking about it, it is good to ask ourselves this question ever now and then. “Why be a ______?” Here are some questions a person could ask themselves.
“Why be a self centered person?”
“Why be a crab?”
“Why be a gossip?”
“Why be a poor listener?”
These questions can go on and on and on. The answer to all the questions is… “Because it is easier than being the opposite.” The easier answer is not always the most rewarding or fulfilling in life. Listed below are statement that are fulfilling and rewarding.
“I am giving.”
“I am positive.”
“I am trustworthy.”
“I am a good listener.”
Life is not easy, but it is worthwhile when we invest our time and energy into making the most of it.
Monday, June 22, 2009
June 22 - Doable
if we remember
we only have to make it through one day at a time.
I received a touching e-mail from a long time friend. The quote above was part of her closing. This was the perfect message for me at the exact time I need to be reminded; that I only have to make it through today and tomorrow is a new day. I hope this is meaningful to you too.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
June 21 - Meal with Friends
that one of the best blessings is a
June 20 - Attitude
or it controls you.
I wish I could say that I always remember this quote. I have found myself in a place where my attitude is controlling me. That is not a place that I like to be. It is so much better when I take control of my attitude. Life is just too short to have an attitude that is anything less than positive!
June 19 - last a lifetime
This makes me think about how fortunate we are as people; we are built to last a lifetime. As we use our bodies or minds for the purpose it was built for we become better, not just worn out. Some examples are: by exercising we get into better shape and strengthen our bodies; by reading we sharpen our minds. We are so fortunate that we were built to last a lifetime!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
June 18 - Mud
A couple nights ago, I came home to find clothing strung across my yard and piles of it in the garage. It was all wet and full of mud. When I got in the house, Andrew informed me that he had a great day with his friends. I asked what they did and I was sure that the wet muddy clothing had something to do with it. They went “mud bogging”. They rode the four wheeler through every mud hole they could find, then went to the play in stream to clean off. Unfortunately, they found out the stream just produced more mud on them. Andrew said, “It was great -- Boy Fun, girls would never do this!”
Blessed by MUD!
June 17 - Strawberries
Four years ago, I planted my strawberry patch. I worked hard that first year weeding and caring for my new little strawberries. I knew that the first year would not produce any fruit. I also knew that the second year would not be a year of abundance. Last year, my strawberries took off and I actually had produce. The berries were small, but there were berries! This year is the year I have been working and waiting for --- my patch is beautiful, the berries are abundant, big and juicy.
I am glad that I did not give up on my strawberry patch. The work was worth it! This reminds me to have patience as abundance will come.
June 16 - Blessings
Sunday, June 14, 2009
June 15 - A Mother's Guilt
I try to be a good daughter, but sometimes I disappoint my mother. I bet this is a statement that all daughters have made. Mothers of course are the best at making a person feel guilt. I hope this is a skill that I do not feel the need to use on my children as they become adults.
I wrote about my Grandmother’s birthday yesterday. I am very happy for her and I love her with all my heart. Today, mMy mom and her siblings had cake and ice cream at the nursing home for Grandma. My mom called a couple weeks ago to let me know that they would be hosting a “small” party for Grandma, if I wanted to come. She told me it would be simple. I thought about driving out for the event. I did not have anything conflicting on my calendar, but the rest of my family either had a conflict or did not want spend a beautiful summer day in the car, driving two hours each way and only spend a couple hours visiting. I did not want to drive by myself, so I took the selfish route and did not go home for the day. My reasoning --- Grandma would be so busy with the other guest that she would not know I was there or not. I can go another time and spend more quality time with Grandma.
Then the dreaded call came about 5PM. My mom, “What came up that you did not attend today?” I told her the truth. She told me the names of all 40 people that did attend Grandma’s “small” party today and how far they traveled to be with Grandma on her 95th birthday. Yes, the guilt set in! She told me how cute my cousin’s baby is and all the thing she is doing and it was too bad that I missed it. She told me about all the people that asked where I was. Grandma did not ask about me, but she asked about my brother. Mom explained that he was not able to make it. Grandma scolded my mom, for not raising a better son. I got the message it meant daughter too. More guilt!
I knew when I made the decision I would feel guilty about not attending. I did take the selfish route my not attending. I could have drove by myself and been just fine or I could have played the guilt game on one of my family members to get them to go with me. I took the easy way out, but I did learn from the day. I learned that investing time is more important than investing energy or resources into people. It was important to my mom to have me there today and I let her down. I hope I remember this the next time I am faced with a decision like this.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
June 14 - Grandma
To everyone’s surprise, Grandma’s body was not ready to give up. She recovered from massive heart attacks at the age of 94 and continues to be faithful.
Happy Birthday Grandma!
This lady began, yes right from the start
Learning to share, “Lord I give you my heart.”
A child of God, upon bended knee.
Just make me faithful “Was her constant plea”.
A Faithful wife, to her husband she’d be,
For God had called her his helpmate, you see.
She labored faithfully by his side
Following each move with him she’d abide.
In God’s time He blessed with a child
She proved to be a faithful mother so mild;
More children were given from heaven above
And “Faithful” simply expanded her love.
The grandchildren came and then their mates
In following years, along came “the greats”.
Yet Faithful remembered them all by their names
A prayer warrior strong, still more of the same.
She was known by many as a faithful friend
Along with the cards, her prayers she would send.
Of all the qualities, one stands out above
She stayed faithful to the Lord that she loved.
To whom she was faithful none shined like the one.
A faithful believer in God’s only Son
With steadfast faith in her Lord gone ahead.
She talked to him daily in chair or bed.
Then she heard the summon from Heaven above.
Come home to me now “Faithful” my love.
I was the “Faithful Savior” who called it is true.
And welcomed her home, just beyond the blue.
To you her family, I repeat it again.
The call to repentance and forgiveness of sin.
“Be still” calls your “Father” from Heaven on High.
May you be found “faithful” when death draws nigh.
June 13 - Time
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love....Time is ETERNITY.
A good friend shared this quote with me. I just love it. Time is something we deal with each and everyday of our lives. We are aware of time without being aware of time. How many “times” a day do we look at the time and think about time?
June 12 - Wind
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.”
June 11 - Sunshine & Rain
You need both the sun
And the rain to
Make its colors appear.”
After the rain I appreciate the sun so much more than several days or even weeks of sunshine. I guess that is life. We appreciate the sunshine after a good rain.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June 10 - cheer up
is to cheer someone else up.
~ Mark Twain
I love this quote.
This morning I stopped at Perkins to pick up muffins for a morning meeting. The hostess assisted me and on my way out the door she said, “Thank you for your business and have a great day.” I replied, “You too.” Then she made the statement that made my day, she said, “You look really pretty today!” Talk about the right way to start the day! I hope she found cheer in making my day.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June 9 - Prayer
I have good intentions of praying and studying God’s word, but push come to shove, I get busy and forget to make time. Here are some tips that I have found to work.
• Set your alarm clock a little early. WAKE UP and spend time in prayer. This is one of my favorites. Todd still questions whether or not I am praying or snoozing.
• Morgan used a set time of the day. At 11:11 twice a day she prays. It is short but it is a time that reminders her to pray.
• Many of us pray before going to bed. If you do not already do this, ask your spouse to pray with you a loud. It is a great way to build your marriage and your relationship with God.
• Driving – I do not recommend closing your eyes, but there is not rule that we must close our eyes to pray.
Monday, June 8, 2009
June 7 - Kittens
When I was a kid I loved finding the baby kittens each spring. The mother cats always had their kittens in the hay loft of the barn. It was an adventure to find the kittens. Once we found them we would spend hours playing with them and making a special home for them.
I guess finding kittens is a genetic thing, because it is a favorite thing for my kids. Each year we have a stray mother cat that makes her home in our barn for her family. The kids usually find the kittens when they are beginning to play and still do not have fear of humans. This year we have four kittens in the barn and of course the boys have them named -- Snickers, Indiana Jones, Runt and Mickey.
A couple of years ago, we had several mother cats that had kittens in the barn. I think we had 11 kittens. The boys thought it would be a good idea to find the kittens new homes. So they set up a Lemonade and Kitten stand on the corner.
Lemonade 50 cents
Kittens $2.50
By the end of the day the sign changed to kittens FREE! The boys had a great time, but they were unable to find homes for the kittens. They did agree that they sold a lot of lemonade that day!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
June 6 - Point to agree on
We are rolling out an important project at work and this week I sat in on the training for the representatives. The project has to do with building relationships with customers. Tonight as I prepared to write “Blessings” I decided that you may enjoy the story I shared with my staff.
Last fall, Andrew’s football team scrimmaged the other Dell Rapids team. It was clear that the other team out performed Andrew’s team. When Andrew got in the van to go home he just could not hold back his feelings. He had fear of the teasing that would take place the next day at school. After talking about it, Andrew decided that if anyone said something about the game, he would reply, “Your team played very well last night, good job.”
The next day a boy started with the teasing and Andrew replied, “Your team played very well last night, good job.” The other boy was a little surprised by the comment, but replied, “You did good, too.” and that was the end of it.
Think of how many arguments could be avoided if we could all find a common point to agree on. It is hard to argue with someone that agrees with you.
Friday, June 5, 2009
June 5 - Help
I enjoy helping people. I get great satisfaction from knowing that I have help someone. I do not know about you, but I do not like needing help or asking for help.
There was a time in my life that I need help. I needed support and encouragement to get through a difficult time. I could not ask for help, it was just too hard to do. Fortunately, I had some good friends that supported me and got me through the challenging times. I remember saying to a friend, “I am the person that helps others, not the person in need.” She was so kind as she told me, “Today, you get the receive. Please allow me to help you.”
I hope that I am never the person that is in need of help, but if I am, and I know a time will come that I need help, I will accept the help, support and love. In the mean time, I want to help others.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
June 4 - Baseball
As I sit in my office I can see about ten boys in our neighborhood playing a friendly game as baseball in the backyards. This brings back memories of when I was a kid and we played baseball.
I grew up on a farm in central South Dakota. We had neighbors that lived close, but it was not like it is in town. In town, my kids can always find someone to play with. Many nights, on the farm, we would play baseball as a family. We had old disk plates as bases and the pitcher’s mound. For those of you from town, disk plate are a parts from farm machinery. I need to remind you that we were a family of four! So that means, Dad or Mom pitched, one person is up to bat and the other two are in the field. Home plate was close to the barn so the ball could bounce off the barn as a backstop since the batter was also the catcher.
I was a homerun queen in those days. It was so easy to get a home run! First of all, there were only three people in the field. Secondly, we had a slight hill on our yard, so if the batter was able to get the ball rolling down the hill, it would keep going and going as the fielder chased it. By the time the ball was return to home plate the runner was sure to have a home run!
Those were the days… Life was so simple.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
June 3 - Old or Overweight?
Not long ago we had dinner with a childhood friend of Todd’s and his family. It was a wonderful evening of friendship and fun. My friend made a wonderful comment that I would like to share with you.
She said, “We are getting to that age, we can either be older looking or overweight. Skinny just does not work for me. My skin needs all the extra fill to keep it in place. If I lose weight, I will get wrinkles, so I choose to be a little overweight, verse looking older.”
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
June 2 - Hope
with all of the joy and wonder of a child.
~ Jack Croft
May you be blessed by hope today!
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1 - Warren Buffet quote
do you discover who's been swimming naked.
I heard this quote this morning in a business meeting. I really liked it considering the times in our economy and social events.
Friday, May 29, 2009
May 29 - Candles
Lighting Another Candle.
I came across this quote today and it really struck me. We are candles in the world and it is our responsibility to keep the light going by igniting others with positive reinforcement. By giving we lose nothing we only gain a brighter world.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
May 28 - Ranch life
Andrew just got home from spending three days at “the Ranch” with Grandpa Schoon. Andrew loved riding the four wheeler in wide open spaces and getting to the top of a hill, looking out to see nothing but green with little specks of brown (cows). He said he felt like he was in God’s country. During the three days at the ranch, Andrew worked hard with Grandpa sorting and branding cattle. He enjoy the simple things in life-- like nature. He said, he has never seen so many deer and turkey in his life; let alone in three days.
Andrew is a lover of all animals. He enjoyed working with the cattle and thinks that little Herford calves are the cutest of all.
Working on the ranch is a different way of life. Ranch work starts at sunrise and everyone goes to bed exhausted, but feeling like the days work was worth a day of life.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
May 26 - Hugs
A hug is one of the most powerful gifts in the world. A couple years ago, my family experienced a difficult time. I had not talked to very many people about our problems, but people were talking about us or at least it felt that way. We attended the hometown football game on the Friday night, of the worst week of my life. My dear friend came up to me after the game and gave me a gift that will last a life time – a Hug and softly spoke these words, “Know that we love you.” That was the point that I knew we would get through our challenges.
I learned on that Friday night, that a HUG is the most powerful gift in the world. Hugs convey – Love, Support, and Encouragement, in ways words can not express.
Monday, May 25, 2009
May 25 - Calves
This makes me think about times in my life that I experienced change. There have been times in my life that I have been in awe, you could say that I was running, kicking and playing to celebrate how good life was. Soon the “good life” became a normal life and I forgot about how good things were. Reflecting back to our first house. We were so excited to have a house at first we felt like it was a palace, but after time it did not feel like such a palace. We had gotten used to the standard of living in a house vs. an apartment. I remember when I was promoted to a Unit Manager and was assigned to my first “office”. I felt so special to have an “office” (actually it was a cubical with five foot walls).
My point is, as people, we soon forget where we have come from and how good we have it. I am going to take time to run, kick and play to celebrate the life I have today!
MAy 24 - Hard work
We all have days when work is hard. Some days work is not satisfying, enjoyable or challenging. Those are days when I think that work is hard. There are other days that I work hard and it feels great! Work can be satisfying, enjoyable and challenging. I love the days that challenge me to be my best and work my hardest. At the end of the day, I lay my head on the pillow, my body is exhausted, but my mind wants to keep going and achieve even more.
Hard work feels good!
May 23 - generously
how well we live is important to others;
how generously we live is important to all eternity.
Friday, May 22, 2009
May 21 - Brownies
Do you ever NEED chocolate? I do!
Brownies are my favorite food in the entire world and some days I need chocolate. You know the type of days that I am talking about. My co-worker brought these brownies to work, I indulged and declared it my favorite brownie recipe. She was kind enough to share the recipe with me from food network. The brownies have to be good-- take a look at the first three ingredients – 1 pound of butter, 1 pound and 12 ounces of chocolate chips and 6 more ounces of chocolate!
Do not be afraid of the fact that it is listed as a difficult recipe. I was able to make it, you can too. The difficulty is worth it for the reward. Remember this is a large batch, so it is not advised to eat them all in one day.
Outrageous Brownies
Prep Time: 30 min
Cook Time: 30 min
Level: Difficult
Serves: 20 large brownies
1 pound unsalted butter
1 pound plus 12 ounces semisweet chocolate chips, divided
6 ounces unsweetened chocolate
6 extra-large eggs
3 tablespoons instant coffee powder
2 tablespoons real vanilla extract
2 1/4 cups sugar
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, divided (1 cup for batter and 1/4 cup in the chips and nuts)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
3 cups diced walnut pieces
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 13 by 18 by 1 1/2-inch sheet pan. Melt together the butter, 1 pound chocolate chips, and unsweetened chocolate on top of a double boiler. Cool slightly. Stir together the eggs, instant coffee, vanilla and sugar. Stir in the warm chocolate mixture and cool to room temperature. Stir together 1 cup of the flour, baking powder and salt. Add to cooled chocolate mixture. Toss the walnuts and 12 ounces of chocolate chips with 1/4 cup flour to coat. Then add to the chocolate batter. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until tester just comes out clean. Halfway through the baking, rap the pan against the oven shelf to allow air to escape from between the pan and the brownie dough. Do not over-bake! Cool thoroughly, refrigerate well and cut into squares.
Copyright 2009 Television Food Network G.P., All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1999, The Barefoot Contessa CookbookThis was adapted from a recipe for chocolate globs in the Soho Charcuterie Cookbook.
May 20 - summer has begun
Often teachers will start out the school year very strict, to the set the standard for the rest of the school year. I am finding that I need to set the standard very high the as the summer begins. I expect to come home to a house that looks a good or better than the house that I left in the morning. I also expect to have all the chores on the list completed daily. Just because they do not need to get up in the morning for school, does not mean that they do not need to get up in the morning.
For whatever reason my kids seem to think that it is party time now that school is out. Ross had five boys sleep over and the house looked like we had five extra boys! At one point I walked into the room they were in and I knew by the smell in the room they were having fun. Morgan felt that since school was out weekend curfew was in place all week long. Andrew sees no reason to do anything on the chores list, because he has all summer to do it.
I am taking the STRICT parent approach to the summer and the kids are not happy about it. I know that I am not the only parent that has taken on this approach to the summer. Our neighbors enforce the strict parent law yesterday. Their youngest was very upset that he could not spend the night with Ross last night because the chores were not completed during the day. So he left a note on the counter.
“I have left for the wilderness (I think that is our house). I will miss you and I love you.”
His parents, bother and sister spent a long period of time looking for him in the neighborhood. Once they found him (very close to home) they took him home and he still unhappy that he did not get to sleep over with Ross.
Summer has just begun!
May 19 - Planting
I have a big (Todd says it is huge) garden. It is 35 X 125 feet or 4375sq feet. Ok, it is pretty large. I love my garden, it provides me exercise, a sense of accomplishment, the opportunity to share and of course great vegetables! This is the time of year my garden requires work… tiling, planting, fertilizing, weeding and weeding and more weeding. I do not necessarily enjoy weeding, but I do find it rewarding to look at a clean garden. Weeding is one of those tasks that just is not enjoyed, until the results can be seen. The benefits are wonderful in late summer and fall as my garden produces and I can share the fruits of my labor with my friends.
I have found that the garden season is a lot like seasons in life.
~ Tiling --- Preparing to grow.
~ Planting --- Making a commitment to growth by taking on a new responsibility (Education, Job, Marriage, Children, Home, etc)
~ Fertilizing --- Providing the right nutrients for growth. This could be taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
~ Watering--- We all need some watering to grow. Watering can be the tears of life, either tears of joy or sadness.
~ Weeding --- Removing the obstacles that prevent growth. Staying focused on growth.
~ Harvest --- Reaping the benefit of the hard work of the season.
~ Canning, Freezing and Sharing --- Taking surplus and saving it for the winter or sharing it with friends or relatives.
I do not look forward to all the weeding this season will bring, but I can not wait to share my harvest! I know that I can not get to the harvest without tiling, planting, fertilizing, watering, or weeding.
May 18 - different from the rest
My bible study group just finished a study of Daniel by Beth Moore. This is a wonderful study and I would recommend it to everyone. In the last session Beth stated, “Do you want to be different from the rest? Don’t Complain!” She based this from Philippians 2:14-16 “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.”
This passage has been presented to me a couple times this year. It was the theme passage from TEC and now it appeared again. I think that I need to get the message. I need to do everything without complaining or arguing. I worked at this today. It is hard. In our crooked and depraved society, it has become the norm to complain or argue. Think about it… the media focuses on the negative – the economy, bad weather, crime, politics and every celebrity that gets in trouble with the law. The media is really complaining about the negative. What about the praise for the positive? What about the good that comes from every negative situation?
I am challenging myself to look for the positive in every situation. I am working on holding my tongue, until my comments can shine like the stars in the universe.
May 17 - graduation prayer
Last evening, I spent an hour in the chapel. It is so humbling to have the opportunity to prayer for the future of young adults. I know God is listening to these prayers.
My request of you today is to take a minute today to pray for 2009 high school graduates.
May 16 - Weakness
God loves to use weak people. Usually we deny our weaknesses, defend them, excuse them, hide them, and resent them. This prevents God from using them the way he desires. God has a different perspective on your weaknesses. God will use us if we allow him to work through our weaknesses. – Rick Warren --- Purpose Driven Life
I am embarrassed by my weaknesses and I want to hide them. I am now excited to think about how God can use my weaknesses. I just think how can God use my lack of physical coordination? How can he use my inability to be on time for church or other meetings? How can he use my poor musical talent? How will he use me?
May 15 - graduations
we do not grow.
If we do not grow,
we are not really living.
~ Gail Sheehy
This quote seemed appropriate as it is time for graduations. I only have one year left with Morgan at home. This makes me sad as I think of her leaving home, but very happy for her as I know it means she is changing, growing and living
May 14 - Perfect Prayer
"Dear God,
I have questions for you, why? Why do all the people of this world think they have to look perfect? Why do they think that they have to be someone they aren’t? Why do they let the devil take them on his little journey? God, now I ask please make everyone see that they are perfect in God's eyes and they are special to you and they need not change for someone else." ~~Amen~~
I agree we are all perfect in God’s eyes!
May 13
Will not live to see the good.
~ Yiddish Proverb
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the bad, that we forget the good is coming. I think that is true with the economy. Sure we are in bad times, but we have had been blessings with a wonderful economy for so many years and we will be blessed with a good economy in the future. This is just a time when we need to learn to spend wisely.
In my profession, I am reminded of the economy daily. So I remind myself, no matter what happens in the economy; I will always have my family and friends.
Monday, May 11, 2009
May 11 - angels
And we can only fly embracing each other.
~ Luciano DeCrescenzo
I am so grateful to all the angels in my life that have embraced me, so we can fly together!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May 10 -Mother's day
Today in church we celebrated Mother’s day and recognized the high school Seniors who will soon graduate. Each graduate was presented a new bible and provided the opportunity to tell the congregation what he/she will be doing after graduation. Since it was Mother’s Day each graduate also told his or her mother “I love you, Mom.” It was touching to hear the teenagers tell their mom’s “I love you” in front of so many people. One young man brought tears to my eyes, as he said, “Mom, I love you and I have always have.” This young man has been faced with challenges in his life. He said these word with all his heart and tenderness in his voice. I am sure that his mother felt this was the best gift she could receive on this special day.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
May 7 - National day of Prayer
May 7th is the National Day of Prayer in the United States. I feel grateful that we still live in a country where we can celebrate a National Day of Prayer. I also feel said that everyday is not a National day of prayer.
Prayer is free and it is a gift that God has given each of us. It is our opportunity to develop a relationship with God through prayer. Enjoy and celebrate the day!
“If you believe,
you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
- Matthew 21:22
Sunday, May 3, 2009
May 3 - Aging
we don't care what the world thinks of us;
at 30,
we worry about what it is thinking of us;
at 40,
we discover that it wasn't thinking of us at all. ~Anonymous
Today, my brother, Leslie turned 40, so I went looking for a quote to focus on aging. I found the quote above and I it really hit home.
When I was in my twenties, I was focused on my life. I was busy building my career and starting a family.
In my thirties, I was raising a young family and continuing to focus on my career. I spent little time on myself or on others outside of my family or career. This was mainly because I worried about what people thought of me.
Now in my forties, I like to say, I am starting to develop wisdom in my life. It is not all about me, my family or my job. The life is about faith in God, caring about and loving everyone that I come in contact with. Even if they are outside my little world.
I can not wait to see what my fifties will bring – Just for clarification it is a long time away. I have a lot more learning to do in my forties before I will be prepared for the gift of fifties!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
May 2 - Home Alone
I have been given the gift of alone time from my family. Todd and the boys are turkey hunting in the Blackhills and Morgan spent the night with a friend. I have to admit that at first I was not so excited about being alone all night long. I do not remember the last time that I was alone over night at home. Once I accepted the fact that I would be alone, I started to think of what I would do with my alone time. Then it became exciting and I started to make a list of all the things I want to do alone. I came to realize that alone really meant without interruptions. I had a wonderful evening and a great nights sleep. Today I get to spend some time with just my daughter – girl time! I know that tomorrow I will be so excited to have my entire family back home, as I will be missing them so much. Today, I will enjoy the time I have been given.
Everyone needs a little time alone to appreciate the gifts of life.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
May 1 - May Day
May 1st is known as May Day. One of the most popularly known May Day traditions is to hang a basket full of spring flowers and/or other small gifts on a neighbor's doorknob. The trick is you don't want the neighbor to see you! If you get caught, you are supposed to get a kiss.
I honestly have never did much to prepare for May Day. It seems to sneak up on me each year. I am just not good with holidays that are the beginning of the month. I need a few days warning that the month has changed and a special day is coming. I have never taken May Day baskets to school for my kids to hand out. The kids and I have brought treats to friend’s houses, rang the door bell and ran, but I am sure that it was not a planned event, it was more of a “Oh, it is May Day – Let’s do something fun.”
I think some of the best memories and surprises are the ones that are not planned out, they are just spur of the moment ideas to bless someone else’s day.
April 30 - Time
Cannot influence –
neither speed up or slow down,
Add to nor diminish
– it is an imponderably valuable gift.”
- Maya Angelou
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
April 29 - blessings
Andrew and I were talking about this tonight and he comment on how wonderful God is to take something negative and make it a Blessings.
I do want to clear up one concern. No one on the Blessings distribution list offended me or hurt me in anyway. You are all my friends and I value my relationship with each of you. Thank you for being part of my life.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 28 - Overcome evil with Good
So, what to write? I flipped open one of my resources and read Romans 12:17–21.
17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[d]says the Lord. 20On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."[e] 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. ~Romans 12: 17 – 21
After reading this scripture, I am so glad that I decided to wait to send out my original Blessings about the events of the evening. I have a lot to think about. Originally, I thought I would do nothing, but pray for the person that did this to me. Now after reading the scripture, I think I need to cook for them and bring her a bottle of wine.
Overcome evil with good!
Monday, April 27, 2009
April 27 - Pregnancy
Tonight, I chatted with a friend’s daughter, who is eight months pregnant. She is ready to have the baby and the sooner the better. This brought back memories for me of my pregnancies.
It has been over a decade since I was pregnant, but I remember it like yesterday. I loved the feeling of having my baby with me day and night. I do remember wishing for the pregnancy to be over, but I believe that as mothers we have to get so miserable at the end of our pregnancy that we are willing to do whatever it takes to deliver the precious gift of a child.
I will never forget the feeling of separation from Morgan, shortly after her birth. Todd went with her and the nurse to the nursery. I was left in my room with my diet coke (you can see that this addition to diet coke has been going on for a long time). I place my hand on my stomach as I had done for the past months and she was gone. I had learned to love the feeling of having my baby with me at all times. I had just given birth to a beautiful child, but I immediately felt empty when she was away from me.
I loved pregnancy, because I was with my child 100 percent of the time, but that is not possible in life. I realized as I matured as a mother that the feeling of emptiness would come back time and time again – The first day at daycare, the first day of school, the first day of summer camp, the first sleep over and now as my baby girl looks into the future it is only a year before she looks at the next stage of independence – college. I am sure that I will have that feeling of emptiness all over again, but this stage will be over and it is time to move on to the next one.
I am not be able to be with my children 100 percent of the time like we were in the beginning, but no matter what we will always have a special bond of mother and child.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
April 26 - Normal
“No one is normal!
Only the people
that you do not know very well
appear to be normal.”
- Wm Paul Young The Shack
What is normal anyway? I thought I had a normal life, until I became a Unit Manager at the age of twenty-two. All of a sudden I was responsible for a staff of thirty people and they openly shared information with me about their lives and families. I soon learned that my sheltered life growing up in central South Dakota was no where close to normal. Today, I realize and understand that normal is different for everyone.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
April 25 - Mom birthday
has spent twenty years in bed
and over three years in eating.- Arnold Bennett
Today, my mom turned sixty-five years young. I am sure that she has enjoyed all twenty years of sleep and the three years of eating.
April 24 - The Shack
It is amazing to me what can be accomplished when it does not matter who gets credit for the success, only that God is honored and glorified.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 23 - Be a Friend
I have a friend that has taken this statement to heart. She is one of the people in my life that is always there to support me and my family, no matter what. It is not just me that she is a friend to. She is a friend to so many and in turn she has many friends.
She is quick to write a note to let people know how important they are to her.
She is always there to lend a hand and help a friend. Just this week she knew that my family was having a busy week and she brought dinner over, because she knew my kids would probably be eating cereal for supper.
Her house is often full of kids, because every kid is welcome at her house. All the parents know that the kids are safe and cared for at her house.
She babysits for friends, so they can attend important events without worrying about their children.
She prays for the many friends that she has made over the years. She does not just say “I will pray for you.” She actually does!
Most of all she is willing to listen.
I hope that I can be a friend to each of you, as my friend has been to me. --- To have a friend, I must be a friend.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
April 22 - Pickled Herring
Tonight, I had a business dinner at Minerva’s, a upscale restaurant in Sioux Falls. Minerva’s is known for their fantastic salad bar. I almost always have the salad bar, because it has a something that reminds me of the good times in my childhood. Pickled Herring!
My dad would bring home pickled herring as a special treat. We would all sit around the table savoring the flavor and talking as a family. It sounds funny to say, but pickled herring has blessed my life.
Monday, April 20, 2009
April 21 - Carpe diem
Carpe diem is Latin for “seize the day”. I have these words on the wall of my office to remind me, it is my job to seize each and every day of my life. It does not matter if I am home with my family or in the office with my work family. The day will be what I make of it.
I choose to Seize the Day!
April 20 -- Moo....
Last summer, Farmer Brown told Andrew he should have a bottle calf. Of course, Andrew loved the idea! He has been talking about it for almost a year. Recently through a series of events, Todd started to like the idea of raising calves. With some help from Farmer Brown, Todd, Andrew and Ross brought home their first bottle calves from a local dairy. Andrew and Ross are now the proud owners of four little Holstein bull calves.
Some people would think we just can not say “NO” to our children and their pets. Actually, as parents, we are looking at this as an opportunity to bless our boys with some life lessons. As parents our goal is for the boys to learn about farming, gain some responsibility, develop an understanding that not all animals are pets, and learn about the financial risks and reward of a business venture.
Rule number 1 – We call farm animals by stall numbers, not names. They have named them Mr. Petey, Jonsay, Cozmo, and Timmy. I guess they failed the first lesson.
Learning’s of the day one:
Ross – “Milk replacer smells so good!”
Andrew – “Hunger calves can drink their milk really fast!”
More blessings and lessons to come!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
April 18 - Prom
April and May are full of High Schools across the country celebrating Junior and Senior Proms. Our daughter, Morgan will attend her Junior Prom this weekend. It kind of feels like a Master Card commercial at our house.
Dress $300
Hair $ 30
Mani/Pedi $ 50
Shoes $ 35
Jewelry $ 40
And the list goes on and on – Flowers, dinner, tanning, pictures, Post Prom event, borrowing Dad’s truck….
Memories of a life time – Priceless
Friday, April 17, 2009
April 17 - Gradtitude journal
but are grateful for the abundance that's present....
we experience heaven on earth."
Shortly after Ross was born I began a gratitude journal. In this journal I wrote down five things that I was grateful for each day. I did not allow myself to repeat entries for thirty days. At the end of the first month I read a powerful list of the 150 gratitude entries in my journal. I have kept a gratitude journal off and on for the last ten years. Today, I do not journal; however I do mentally think of the things that have blessed each day before going to sleep at night.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
April 16 - Computer Tech
of what is possible to achieve with
- Computer Scientist, John von Neumann, 1949
This is an interesting quote from 1949. Sixty years ago, the computer science world believed they had reached the limits what could be achieved. Look at what we have today – home computers, cell phones, TV’s, Xbox, Wii, GPS and the list goes on and on. I know that there are times that I think that I have reached my limit of what I can achieve in my life, but really the only thing that is limiting me… is myself.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15 - Dancing in the storm
I found this quote and it made me think of all the times in my life that I got so wrapped up in the storm, that I forgot the rain helps me grow. I know that I feel blessed to have had storms in my life. I do not like being in them, but I love the rainbow after the storm. I am going to work on learning to dance in the rain, instead of focusing on the storm.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
April 14 - Making a Difference
Tonight, my mother in law called me excited and bewildered all at the same time. A friend of mine dropped in on her and gave her a dozen beautiful roses. Dorothy was so excited to tell me about the roses and their beauty, but she just did not know what she did to deserve this gift. I assured her that the gift was from the heart and to welcome the kindness and generosity. Dorothy was taken back by the fact that someone would give her a dozen roses for no reason, other than to brighten her day. She told me this is something she will always remember.
Both Dorothy and my friend were blessed today!
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13 -Advice
A couple months ago our church served at a local food kitchen, call “The Banquet”. A guest of The Banquet talked to one of our young boys, Jeffrey, about his dreams. The guest asked Jeffrey, “What do dream of being when you grow up?” Jeffrey answered him. The guest told him that the people he was helping serve that Saturday were drug addicts, alcoholics, thieves, and mental cases. The guest told Jeffery to hold on to his dreams and work hard, because no one that was at The Banquet had dreams as a child to be an addict, alcoholic, thief or mental case, but somehow they lost their dreams and became who they are today.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
April 12 - hunter of blessings
actively seeking them out
in every experience and person you encounter."
-- Kate Nowak
Saturday, April 11, 2009
April 11 - Easter Outfit
I remember as a child getting my Easter outfit each year. Often it was a handmade dress or a special purchase to celebrate Easter. Everyone in church had on a new outfit, it seemed. I remember the new white shoes that I would get each Easter to wear with my new dress. I know that my mom spent time each year preparing my Easter outfit. It seems that our society has lost the dedication to new Easter outfits that we had during my childhood. I know that I do not worry about having a new outfit for myself for Easter or for my children.
I wondered about the tradition, was it just the little church that I grew up in or was it really something that happened everywhere? I was relieved to find in my research that new clothing for Easter was a tradition outside of the little church in Harrison, SD. New “Church” clothing on Easter was to celebrate the renewal of the year and the promise of spiritual renewal, thus an external sign for an internal renewal of the spirit.
I do not have a new outfit for Easter this year, nor do my children. I wish I had invested the time to have a new Easter outfit for everyone to see that I recognize the renewal of my spirit and on this special day of Easter.
Friday, April 10, 2009
April 10 - Easter
but it won't stay there.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
April 9 - Guidelines for feedback
Here are some guidelines for providing feedback.
Be specific
o Explain exactly what was done well.
o Avoid saying “You did a good job!”
Be Sincere
o Explain why it was important to you.
Be timely
o Give feedback as soon as it is possible
o Feedback given a month after the behavior took place has lost its impact
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
April 8 - Ask for feedback
No news is good news… Right?
I have heard from so many people that they do not receive regular feedback from their boss on their performance. Then at the end of the year they have a surprise in their Annual Performance Appraisal. No feedback, does not necessarily mean good feedback is coming. It is our responsibility to ask for feedback on our performance/behaviors. Keep in mind, timing is important. Set up a time with your boss and let them know in advance that you would like specific feedback on your performance.
What about asking your family for feedback? Todd and I have conversations regarding what we need from each other. It is so much more important to have the conversation before the emotions build up.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
April 7 - Timing of feedback
Timing of Feedback
The timing of feedback is critical. It is important that the person receiving the feedback is ready to receive feedback. I know that I have had times that I just am not emotionally ready to receive feedback on my behaviors or performance. A good way to ensure the timing is right is to set a time to talk about it. I have found that it is just not wise to spring coaching/feedback on people. It is hard for people to have self discovery if they have not had time to think about the topic at hand ahead of time.
Todd and I have found that when we need to have serious conversation with one of our children. We tell them we will be talking about the topic at a specific time. This gives the kids the opportunity to think about their behavior and for Todd and I to be prepared. We also find that we are all less emotional, because the timing if right.
Monday, April 6, 2009
April 6 - balanced feedback
When providing feedback to other people it is important that it is balanced. As human beings we tend to hear and remember the negative feedback more than the positive feedback. In order to provide balanced feedback it is important to start and end with positives.
Balanced Feedback model:
· Feedback on Positive behavior
· Opportunity for improvement
· Feedback on Positive behavior
This model begins and ends on a positive note and it also provides twice as much positive feedback as opportunity for improvement. I feel that positive feedback is light as a feather and makes me feel good. Opportunities for improvement require me to do something and can be heavy like lead. They do not always feel good, so it is important to have more good things than improvements.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
April 5 - Praise Feedback
I will be focusing on feedback for a couple days. Yesterday, I shared Curbstone Coaching with you. Today, I will share One-Minute Praise.
One-Minute Praise
• Describe specific behavior
• Express value or impact it has
• Support the continuing of the behavior
I have found this model to be very effective in reinforcing positive behaviors at work and at home. Here is an example of one-minute praise at home.
“Thank you for putting the dishes away without being asked. By having an empty dishwasher, we can load the dishes right after dinner tonight and have more time for family fun. Keep up the good work on this. I appreciate it.”
I have found that One-Minute Praise takes little effort on my part, but the rewards are great!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
April 4- feedback
I have utilized the Curbstone Coaching model for years in my career and personal life. I have found this to be an effective tool in providing performance feedback to staff. The focus is on helping people identify their own strengths and opportunities to improve. Let’s face it no one wants to be told what they could improve on or what they are doing wrong, but deep down we all know there is opportunity to improve. When the ideas for improvement come from the person making the improvements, it is more likely that the person will take ownership for it.
The Curbstone Coaching model also focuses on the things that the person is doing well and reinforces positives. We all need positive feedback in our lives and jobs. It is a great model to use in many conversations.
Curbstone Coaching Model
1. Ask: How are things going for you?
2. Ask: What is going well for you?
3. Tell: I have observed/heard you doing _______ well.
4. Ask: What do you want to improve?
5. Tell: I feel that you can improve _________.
6. Summarize the conversation
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 3 - forgiving
it takes more grit and gumption to forgive them
for having witnessed your own.
- Jessamyn West
I know that it is much harder for me to forgive myself of my mistakes than it is for me to forgive others.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April 2 - giving
without the slightest trace
of expecting to receive.
- Alice R Pratt
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
April 1 - Fun Day
Happy April Fun Day! I do not like April Fool’s day, because who wants to be made a fool. So I encourage you to have some fun today and celebrate life, friendship, family and faith.
Monday, March 30, 2009
March 31 - TEC verse
15so that you may become blameless and pure,
children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation,
in which you shine like stars in the universe. - Philippians 2:14-15
This weekend Morgan, Todd and I served at T.E.C (Teens Encounter Christ). The theme verse for the weekend is listed above. This verse was written two thousand years ago. Think about how is still applies to the our generation.
March 30 - Spring on the farm
Andrew was invited to a friend’s farm for an afternoon of fun on the farm. Much to Andrew’s delight, he was able to assist with the delivery of a calf. He was so excited to tell us all the details when he got home.
Andrew told me he learn a few lessons from the experience.
1) It is a good idea to have big, long gloves if you are going to assist the cow with delivery.
2) It is amazing that such big baby can come out of a cow!
3) It is cool that a baby calf can get up and walk right after birth.
4) Mommy cow’s do not like boys playing with their babies!
March 28 - communication
and 80% how you feel about what you know.
-Jim Rohn
March 26 - Open Eyes and Heart
On March 10th, Wanda, Andrew’s goat delivered three kids, unfortunately they all passed away. A couple days after the birth, Wanda developed and infect and pneumonia. Todd and Andrew worked hard to restore Wanda’s health, but Wanda’s weak body could not fight the pneumonia. Today, she passed away while Andrew was at school. Andrew again is heart broken, but relieved that she is not suffering and ill any longer.
On January 6th I introduced you to Wanda and wrote: “I am sure there will be more stories of White Wanda coming. I am looking for the blessings.” When we are surrounded with disappointment and death, it is hard to find the blessings, but they are there. Andrew has learned valuable lessons about love, life and death and the life on a farm. When we are going through the challenging times it is critical for us to look for the blessings. The blessings are there some times we just need to open our eyes and hearts to find them.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
March 25 - Sadie

Yesterday, I introduced you to Baylee, Andrew’s dog. Today, I would like to introduce you to Prairie Heart Mercedes (Sadie), Morgan’s Dog. Sadie is a Bichon Frise and will be 5 in June.
When Morgan was eleven year old she wanted a dog of her own. At the time we had Dutch, who was 13 years old and we just knew that a young puppy would drive him crazy. We told Morgan that she could get a puppy after Dutch passed away, but she needed to save her money. Morgan saved all her babysitting and gift money for a year and a half. She did extensive research on the Internet to the type of puppy that she wanted. She also decided that she was going to use her dog to help her get the things she wants as a teenager. So she developed a business plan to raise puppies.
In August of 2004, Mercedes became Morgan’s baby, and soon her name changed to Sadie. Sadie is a wonderful family dog. She is low energy. Her favorite things are sleeping and going for a walk. She has very little tolerance for Baylee and prefers to only see her from a distance.
Sadie has had two litters of puppies. Morgan was right beside her during the births and it was a great experience for everyone in the family. Morgan has used her puppy money to purchase her first car and invest in her college funds. Lessons she has learned from Sadie – include how to market puppies and that gross income in considerably more than net income in a business venture.
Sadie definitely rules the house and is the princess of the dogs.
Monday, March 23, 2009
March 24 - Baylee
Baylee -- Blessing or Burden???
I would like to introduce you to Baylee, Andrew’s German Shorthair Pointer. One of the most common statements heard in our home is “BAYLEE --- NO!”
Todd did extensive research and found a breeder that was having German Short puppies. The puppies were ready to be picked up while Todd was gone on a hunting trip. Andrew had pick of the litter, so it became my responsibility to pick the puppy with Andrew. I thought it was as easy as going and picking up the puppy that came to Andrew first. NO! The breeder had the litter in a field trial test. All nine puppies were tested in what seemed like 100 events and scores were given to each event and well as a comprehensive score. After all the testing was completed Andrew (age 10 at the time) when out and picked his puppy based on the scores. Baylee was clearly the smartest puppy in the litter based on the testing.
She has proven to us over and over that she is a smart dog. We have learned over and over that smart dogs need to have their energy channeled at all times. Baylee is able to open all the doors in our house. So when she wants to come in the house, she just lets herself in. Great right! No, she never closes the door behind her and we live in SD! This also means that she can open the pantry door where the dog food is kept. She is able to open the cabinet to the garbage. She is working on being able to open the oven door. She certainly knows how to get the food off the top of the stove, brownies are one of her favorites. She can open her kennel door. You name it she can open it with a little practice and time alone.
So we have had to learn to lock doors if you do not want Baylee in the house or in a room. We have to chain her kennel closed. We have invested in the in home wireless fencing to keep Baylee out of the kitchen – thus out of the pantry, oven and garbage cans.
We do love Bad dog, I mean Baylee, she has provided us with hours of entertainment and joy. I do not recommend picking the smart dog of the litter, but if you do, be ready to channel that energy for blessings verses burdens.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
March 23 - Serenity
I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know...
it's me!"
I love this twist on the serenity prayer. I read this quote in the book QBQ (Question behind the Question) by John G. Miller. I have a printed this quote and have it hanging in my office to remind me that I can only change my behavior, not the behaviors of others.
March 22 - Spring
the spring would not be so pleasant;
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,
prosperity would not be so welcome.
~Anne Bradstreet
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
March 20 - Angel in a Red Car
This morning on my way to work I met an Angel in a Red Car. I was driving the back road to get to the interstate. I take this road a lot, it is just a blacktop road and the speed limit is only 55mph. I know the speed limit, because the nice police officer has reminded me twice that the speed limit is only 55mph on this road. My last ticket on this road was about a year ago. Today, I was busy thinking about everything I need to get done during the day, as I drove. My lead foot was back in the old habit of speeding.
I meet an angel in a red car that flashed his lights and waved at me to slow down. I looked down and I was going 73mph. I slowed down and sure enough there was that same nice police officer on the other side of the hill waiting for me.
I feel blessed that the Angel in the Red Car saved me $104 this morning.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March 18 - Kites
Today was a beautiful spring day in South Dakota. Andrew came in the house for supper and said, “Wow it was a great day. We (the kids in the neighborhood) had a great time flying kites. The kids went to the dollar store after school and bought kites. They spent the next several hours out in our pasture flying the kites. It is so simple, but so much fun. The memories will last a life time.
When was the last time you flew a kite?
Monday, March 16, 2009
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
As children we believe we can do anything. Some of use believed that we might become president, a great artist, a rock star, a super model, or travel to the moon and the list goes on and on. When did we stop dreaming and believing we could be anything we wanted to be? As adults we begin to put fences around those dreams and we limit ourselves.
What did you want to be as child?
… set no limits …. Dream.
March 15 - Give in creative ways
I spent the weekend at my brother, Les’s house for that State A Girls Basketball tournament. While at his house we talked about the economy and how the manufacturing industry in Watertown, SD has been impacted. Several people have lost jobs, had their salary or hours reduced. My bother has been impacted as he has had to lay off employees and take a salary reduction himself.
He realizes that when the times get difficult, it is time to give with all your heart. He looked for a creative way that he could give to others in need. He went back to a skill that he learned on the farm --- Butchering. Les has purchased ten pigs over the winter and processed them himself, to give away to families in need. This is not only a gift of food but a gift of labor to help those less fortunate.
What creative ways can you help others in need?
March 14 - Pi Day
Celebrate the fact that you are not in Algebra, Geometry or Calculus anymore!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
March 13 - Be a kid again
Strive to keep a childlike attitude in your work and free time. As grown ups we take ourselves way too seriously, and sometimes we become a heart attack waiting to happen.
It’s OK to act like a kid again! Play and have fun!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March 11 - Chicken
Great meals
A couple days ago I wrote about how using the “good china” for family is important. I had a couple people let me know that they would like a good recipe to go with the good china. So here is one of my family’s favorites. This is easy and tasty. You can tell that I truly do not have a recipe for this. I just make it. Remember I am cooking for a family of 5 and often we have a couple extra kids at the table.
Chicken and Pasta
- Cube 3 -4 chicken breasts
- 1 onion
- 1 bag of pasta (My family prefers Penne or Bow Tie)
- Broccoli, Cauliflower and carrots (I use fresh if I have it, frozen will work) Sometimes it is only one veggie. It just depends what is in the house.
- 1 can chicken broth
- Your favorite seasonings to taste
Brown the cubed chicken and onion together; seasoning as it browns. Cook the pasta while browning the chicken. Once the chicken is completely cooked, add the veggies and chicken broth. Cover to cook veggies. Once veggies are cooked through add the pasta. I usually sprinkle a little cheese on top. I serve with French bread and a salad.
Monday, March 9, 2009
March 10 - Disappointment
Andrew has been waiting for Wanda, his goat, to have her kids for 2 months. He faithfully checks on Wanda before & after school and right before bed. He has been developing his patience as he has been waiting for the big day.
Today was the day, but it was not what he expected. When Andrew went to check on Wanda he found that she had delivered three kids, but none of them were alive. Andrew was devastated and disappointed. He had been waiting for the kids to come for two months. He was excited to be able to play with the babies and watch them grow. His dreams were taken away and he did not have a chance to help Wanda save a baby.
Life is filled with disappointments and sometimes our dreams do not come true, but there is always a reason why. This is a hard lesson to learn at any age, but especially for a twelve old boy that has compassion and love for animals.