Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23 - YBA

This week Morgan is attending YBA (Youth Business Adventure) at Dakota State University. A couple days ago Ross asked me, “What is the name of the camp Morgan is at this week?” I replied, “YBA”. He looked at me with a puzzled face and said, “Why Be A, what?” We had a good laugh over the whole thing.

After thinking about it, it is good to ask ourselves this question ever now and then. “Why be a ______?” Here are some questions a person could ask themselves.

“Why be a self centered person?”
“Why be a crab?”
“Why be a gossip?”
“Why be a poor listener?”

These questions can go on and on and on. The answer to all the questions is… “Because it is easier than being the opposite.” The easier answer is not always the most rewarding or fulfilling in life. Listed below are statement that are fulfilling and rewarding.

“I am giving.”
“I am positive.”
“I am trustworthy.”
“I am a good listener.”

Life is not easy, but it is worthwhile when we invest our time and energy into making the most of it.


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