Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 14 - Grandma

Today is my Grandma Kok’s birthday. She was born in 1914. In July 2008, she suffered from several heart attacks. She was ready to go to heaven and the doctors confirmed that she would probably not make it through the night. The family was called in to stay good bye and be with her. She informed the family that she had all her arrangements prepared. In her Bible she outlined the entire service. She asked me to read the poem “Faithful” at her service. We do not know if she wrote this herself or found it somewhere, as the author was not listed.

To everyone’s surprise, Grandma’s body was not ready to give up. She recovered from massive heart attacks at the age of 94 and continues to be faithful.

Happy Birthday Grandma!

This lady began, yes right from the start
Learning to share, “Lord I give you my heart.”
A child of God, upon bended knee.
Just make me faithful “Was her constant plea”.

A Faithful wife, to her husband she’d be,
For God had called her his helpmate, you see.
She labored faithfully by his side
Following each move with him she’d abide.

In God’s time He blessed with a child
She proved to be a faithful mother so mild;
More children were given from heaven above
And “Faithful” simply expanded her love.

The grandchildren came and then their mates
In following years, along came “the greats”.
Yet Faithful remembered them all by their names
A prayer warrior strong, still more of the same.

She was known by many as a faithful friend
Along with the cards, her prayers she would send.
Of all the qualities, one stands out above
She stayed faithful to the Lord that she loved.

To whom she was faithful none shined like the one.
A faithful believer in God’s only Son
With steadfast faith in her Lord gone ahead.
She talked to him daily in chair or bed.

Then she heard the summon from Heaven above.
Come home to me now “Faithful” my love.
I was the “Faithful Savior” who called it is true.
And welcomed her home, just beyond the blue.

To you her family, I repeat it again.
The call to repentance and forgiveness of sin.
“Be still” calls your “Father” from Heaven on High.
May you be found “faithful” when death draws nigh.


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