Monday, February 9, 2009

February 10 - Listening III

Thanks for Listening

The last two days I have wrote about listening. I have taught listening skills for years to Customer Service Representatives. I have received feedback from customers, representative, co-workers and in performance reviews that I am an excellent listener. I enjoy listening to people share their feelings and tell their stories. Listening is a skill and I do a good job listening at work.

Unfortunately, I feel like I often leave that skill in the office. For some reason, I do not always take my listening skills home with me. Why do I, like so many people, stop truly listening to the people that mean the most to me? Do I have too many barriers to listen? Do I think I know what they are going to say, so why listen? Am I focusing on what I am going to tell them, instead of what I am going to ask them? Am I too busy to engage in a focused conversation?

I think my problem in listening is a common problem for many women.
· We are busy all day.
· We work all day.
· We listen to people all day.
· We are nice all day.
When we get home we just want someone to listen to us, at least I do. I have learned the hard way, that taking time to listen to my family, the most important people in my life, gives me joy.

Thanks for listening.


1 comment:

  1. As I read this I couldn't help but think of the words of Jesus "...deny yourself...take your cross...follow me..." And, because God is so good, when we give up ourselves and put others first, we do receive blessings like the joy you receive when you listen.

    Thanks Robin.
